When I was finally discharged from antenatal, Matt and I didn’t tell the kids. Instead he picked me up mid day from work and brought me home! Seeing my babies after 8 long days was so emotional. I missed them so much, more than I could have imagined. Plus it was the longest Matt and I had ever been apart since we started dating! Here are some pictures from coming home from the hospital.
Part of my “terms” to come home was to be on strict bedrest. I also had to monitor my temperature throughout the day as a fever would be the first sign of infection. I had 2 appointments as well with my dr office, where we would do a BPP (biophysical profile) of the boys. All of this went really seamlessly.
Delivery Day!
Saturday, April 25th, 2020 we woke up early for a 7am check in for a 9am csection! This was my 2nd csection, for our 2nd set of twin. I was still pretty nervous, to be honest. Going into major abdominal surgery is intense. There was a lot of prep going into surgery. My hospital has you take a shower with a special soap the night before and the morning of. Plus no makeup or deodorant or jewelry.
We made it to the hospital at the same time as our favorite provider, Michelle Davis. Even though she was a midwife she still made sure to be there for delivery! That is what friends are for right?! When we got up to triage and went to start an IV I actually passed out and in hilarious Alex fashion, created a name for myself amongst the nurses in triage. I laugh at this now, but in the moment, my anxiety was so high, I hyperventilated!
Finally the IV was placed and we were headed off to the OR. As you can imagine, if the IV gave me trouble, then the spinal block even more so! The third picture here melts me. I was so scared and felt so alone. A csection was the last thing I wanted that pregnancy. And then to have a giant needle shoved in my spine was like the icing on the cake. Support people like husbands or doulas, etc are not allowed into the OR under you are completely squared away. Luckily I had Michelle, who held me as I tried not to faint again that morning. I made it through the spinal block and was finally settled and ready to meet my miracle rainbow boys!

To be continued…